On Line via zoom

Maroubra NSW

By Appointment

Transformation from Within with Mary Lynch

Do you want things to get better . .

but don’t know where to start?

You are not alone and I can help you to make the changes that you need.  There are so many ways that your life can get better.

Let me support you to open up new avenues for self discovery and transformation.  I will work with you at your pace to create a bespoke treatment that supports you to transform naturally.


I believe that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are intertwined and an imbalance in one area my have a flow on affect into other areas of our lives.  It may not appear that way at the time however with the right enquiry and intervention we gain a deeper understanding of our situation and ourselves leading to transformative changes for ourselves and our lives.

When we are in balance with all aspects of ourselves, our lives just fall into place easily and effortlessly.  We look good, we feel good, we have good jobs, good finances, good relationships and we live a joyful and happy life.  This is wellness, this is balance, this is alignment.  This is my goal for you.

Within the supportive therapeutic framework, I will create the environment for you to release what is no longer useful and create new solutions that enable you to unlock your true power and transform from within.

I can help with the following .... and more

Relationship Support

Grief and Loss

Health and Wellbeing

Cancer Support

Stress Management

Fertility / Pregnancy Support

Anxiety / Depression

Trauma / PTSD

Pain Management

Inner Child Recovery

Womens Health

Sports Performance Support

More about me ...

Mary Lynch

PH: 0412 61 5551

  • Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • Holistic Wellness Coach
  • Trauma Specialist 
  • Certified Menopause Coaching specialist
  • Advanced Regression and Past Life Therapist
  • Individual and Group Supervisor
  • IFS Informed therapist
  • Quantum Consciousness Facilitator
  • Member of the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA)
  • Supervisor for the Australian Hypnotherapists Association
  • Certificate IV Kinesiology
  • Rekindled Ancient Wisdom practitioner (Level 10)
  • Reiki Practitioner (Level 2)
  • Advanced Pranic Healer